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Prayer Scripture 2020

October 15 - November 3, 2020

Join us over the next 20 days, as we prepare ourselves spiritually to vote in our national, state, and local elections by reading through Scripture and praying over different topics each day.

☐ THURS, OCT 15 // Revelation 2:4-5, Jeremiah 1, 2 // Pray for your heart to return to your first love
☐ FRI, OCT 16 // Ephesians 4:1-6, Jeremiah 3, 4 // Pray for unity in the Church and among Church leaders
☐ SAT, OCT 17 // Colossians 2:8, Jeremiah 5, 6, 7 // Pray against deceitful philosophies in culture
☐ SUN, OCT 18 // 1 Timothy 2:3-4, Jeremiah 8, 9 // Pray for elected government officials and judges
☐ MON, OCT 19 // Galatians 5:1, Jeremiah 10, 11, 12 // Pray for continued religious freedom
☐ TUES, OCT 20 // 2 Chronicles 7:13-15, Jeremiah 13, 14 // Pray for repentance and the healing of our nation
☐ WED, OCT 21 // Joshua 1:7-9, Jeremiah 15, 16 // Pray for our military and first responders
☐ THURS, OCT 22 // Proverbs 22:6, Jeremiah 17, 18, 19 // Pray for teachers, schools and boards of education
☐ FRI, OCT 23 // James 5:14-15, Jeremiah 20, 21 // Pray for healing of those who are sick
☐ SAT, OCT 24 // Psalm 139:17, Jeremiah 22, 23 // Pray for the unborn
☐ SUN, OCT 25 // Proverbs 19:17, Jeremiah 24, 25, 26 // Pray for the poor
☐ MON, OCT 26 // James 1:27, Jeremiah 27, 28, 29 // Pray for the widows and orphans
☐ TUES, OCT 27 // Isaiah 60:1-3, Jeremiah 30, 31, 32 // Pray for prisoners and refugees
☐ WED, OCT 28 // Daniel 2:20-21, Jeremiah 33, 34, 35 // Pray for safe and fair elections
☐ THURS, OCT 29 // Matthew 22:34-40, Jeremiah 36, 37, 38 // Pray for your neighbors
☐ FRI, OCT 30 // Ephesians 6:11-13, Jeremiah 39, 40, 41 // Pray against the schemes of the enemy
☐ SAT, OCT 31 // Romans 12:1-2, Jeremiah 42, 43, 44 // Pray against chaos and confusion
☐ SUN, NOV 1 // Acts 10:34, Jeremiah 45, 46 // Pray against race division and for biblical justice
☐ MON, NOV 2 // Ephesians 4:29-32, Jeremiah 47, 48, 49 // Pray for a spirit of forgiveness and edification
☐ TUES, NOV 3 // Matthew 6:9-13, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 50, 51, 52 // Pray for God’s will to be the outcome of this election